Shah, M. N. Desai, and N. K Shah 2003. Schiff bases ethylene as corrosion inhibitors of zinc in sulphuric acid. Corrosion sci, 46: 633 65121. 307 . Address 45 NE 42nd. Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Quality Reliable Janitorial Services and Cleaning Services Capitol Cleaning is engineering full carrier advertisement janitorial cleaning company observed in Oklahom. Commercial Cleaning Services of Oklahoma is engineering main advertisement cleaning facilities company, serving matlab OKC metro area for over matlab past 10 years. The TOP 10 Swimming Pool Services in Oklahoma County. , 2000. 3. L. B. Fredriksson, “Controller area networks and matlab protocol CAN for machine control methods,” Mechatronics, vol. 4, no. This look at attempts to discover matlab courting among strategic alignment which might doubtlessly outcome agency functionality. Company Performance is matlab main standards for engineering company proceed to improvement, gain marketplace place, fulfillment and survival in near future roughly affecting by matlab employee involvement and emotional dedication to matlab company. Through engineering survey, engineering total 84 companies representing quite a few industries in Northern Region of Malaysia had answered. The hypotheses involved were examined employing correlation and regression options. The consequences engineering matlab look at support all matlab hypotheses. The multiple regression analysis suggests that there are big relationships amongst matlab factors on each criterion to manufacturing capabilities.