But if you start saying things like “That’s not engineering official data evaluation tool” or “That’s not engineering real programming language” or something, then authentic” is such engineering disrespectful value judgment. Are you announcing that people who do data analysis with Python are illegitimate?Are you calling them bastards?I’m not sure that’s how it’s meant, but I agree, it’s a wierd choice of word. If I were to examine matlab an alternate way, what could make engineering language ‘illegitimate’ for data evaluation?In that case you look at things like excel and access for financial transactions, or some engineering matlab early types of CUDA that did not aid suitable IEEE floating aspect maths or as a minimum, not fast IEEE floating aspect maths. In those instances you should use matlab language, and matlab will spit out effects, but they may not be right, and ther Just ask matlab astronomy group. They’ve been moving clear of IDL as an analysis atmosphere and against matlab use of python with scipy with numpy and pyfits providing similar performance. You’re asking this question a couple of years after it’s already been effortlessly declared as such.