The functionality parameters are calories intake and Packet delivery ratio. The simulation result of recent protocol is in comparison with AODV protocol and matlab is acquired using Network Simulator NS 2 Version 2. 34 . The performance parameters are energy consumption and delivery ratio. The simulation effect shows that energy intake is reduced up to 25% 30% with CBR site visitors and matlab is a little bit affect matlab Delivery Ratio. Keywords: Ad hoc networks, Energy Consumption, AODV, Packet Delivery Ratio. There were engineering big selection of CPUs designed for laptops accessible from both Intel, AMD, and different brands. On non x86 architectures, Motorola and IBM produced matlab chips for matlab former PowerPC based Apple laptops iBook and PowerBook. Many laptops have removable CPUs, even though this has turn into less average in matlab past few years as matlab fashion has been towards thinner and lighter models. In other laptops matlab CPU is soldered on matlab motherboard and is non replaceable; this is pretty much standard in ultrabooks. In matlab past, some laptops have used engineering personal computer processor instead engineering matlab pc version and have had high functionality gains at matlab cost of better weight, heat, and restricted battery life, but matlab follow was in large part extinct as of 2013. Unlike their pc opposite numbers, personal computer CPUs are virtually not possible to overclock.