’ 15 Genetically changed plants run matlab risk of eventually introducing unknown, most likely damaging chemical compounds into matlab food chain, by unintended pass breeding and seed contamination. 17As well as there being many advantages to genetic engineering and matlab introduction of genetically changed foods, there are besides, feasible hazards and risks most effective to concern over their use and potential dangers to both matlab environment and to humans. However there’s inconsiderable proof to imply that there are risks and critical dangers of ingesting GM foods. Various trying out has been carried out on an array of ingredients and additives of GM plants to check for certain outcomes, some of those being toxicity and allergenicity. There are conflicting reports; some suggesting GM meals are safe, others that say they’re bad and engineering risk to human health. Although only slight outcomes were followed on matlab animals proven, matlab is enough to warrant nervousness over GM foods and their possible implications on humans. 1 Metals: MSBTE Final Copy Dt. 28/06/2013 13Occurrence of metals in free and combined state, definitions mineral, ore, gangue, flux and slag, metallurgy. Metallurgy Detailed Flow chart for extraction of metallic, Important extraction methods Concentration gravity separation, electromagnetic separation, froth floatation, calcination and roasting, Reductionsmelting, aluminothermic procedure, Refining poling, electrorefining Mechanical properties of metals Hardness, ductility, malleability, tensile power, toughness, machinability, weldability, forging, soldering, brazing, castability. 3. 2 Alloys: Definition, functions of creating alloys with examples. Preparation methods Fusion, Compression Classification of Alloys Ferrous and non ferrous alloys with examples.